Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Groups train Girls on leadership mentorship and advocacy

By Cleopatra Eki
In an effort to  strengthen the capacity  of the Girl Child for Leadership in the society,  Action Health Incorporated (AHI) in collaboration with  Cummins and Rise Up has concluded a  training program for girls on leadership and public advocacy skills in Lagos state. 
Dr. Uwemedimo Uko Esiet, Co-Founder/Director AHI, Public Health Physician/Development Entrepreneur commending  the 6O young girls who had undergone  the leadership training  and human rights advocacy  for 8 weeks said the aim of the program is to girls who  will  in turn  produce  multiplier effects on their communities.
He was speaking at  the closing ceremony  of the event tagged ‘Girls Voice Scale-up project’  which held at  the Wesley Girls Junior Secondary school  Yaba Lagos. 
 According to him, Action Health Incorporated (AHI)  platform with support Cummins have supported and trained Girl leaders’ to advance their advocacy through activities that will advance the equity and equality issues, girls’ rights, adolescent health and wellbeing.  
The platform enables the girls leaders to know their human rights, rights to education, rights to say No,  rights to decision- making and rights to life. It helps the girls to unleash their potentials and be better citizens. The project timeline  runs from January- March 2022. 
Among the activities implemented were Planning meeting with Girls leaders on school sensitization and mentoring activities , Girl-led mentoring and leadership sessions as well as menstrual hygiene management session with adolescent girls in Wesley Girls Junior Secondary School Project .
Dr  Esiet said: “We work with young girls, parents, leaders, youth-serving organizations, government agencies and policymakers to design and implement innovative and participatory projects in education, healthcare and youth development, providing models that have been adopted and expanded by government and other civil society organizations.
“We have worked with different groups of girls have different sections and programmes where we have trained both genders to be better citizens of our country.”
He disclosed that UNESCO  and AHI have recently concluded capacity building training for teachers to manage students. 
”AHI has been doing  several projects for  schools over 2 decades.  Besides, AHI organizes Teenage festival of Life  another platform  for self expression, deep concerns  and  expectations  of youth  and proffering solutions to their plights.”
AHI  over the years has worked with young people, parents, community opinion leaders, youth-serving organizations, government agencies and policy makers to design and implement innovative and participatory projects in education, healthcare and youth development, providing models that have been adopted and expanded by government and other civil society organizations.
Victoria Benedict, a girl leader and facilitator spoke on impact training  of girls and narrated how AHI and the groups have assisted them know their human rights to appreciate classes control and  respect for their  teachers who can manage a class of 7O students and improve  mental and environmental sanity.
The girl leaders led mentoring and leadership training for in-school adolescent girls in Wesley Girls Junior Secondary School in Lagos State Education District IV for one school term. These Girl Forum (mentoring and leadership) sessions was held twice a week and serve as a platform to influence on life skills and social networks of in-school adolescent girls. 
The Girl Leaders carried out series of sensitization activities on Life Skills such as self-awareness, negotiation, goal setting, decision-making and leadership to plan for their future.  
The overall  goal of the project is to strengthen Girls-led advocacy efforts in equity, equality, rights, education, health and wellbeing of girls in State. Benedict disclosed that  girls leadership training,  promote volunteering and  life skills to better themselves and society.
Mrs Fashiru, Principal Wesley Girls junior School  applauded AHI for all  her kind gestures and project for supporting the schools over the years. 
  “We are grateful to Action Health Incorporated (AHI) a non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting opportunities for young people’s health and development to ensure their successful transition to healthy and productive adulthood”.We are grateful -Fashiru acknowledged.
There were different presentations by the girls through spoken  words ,drama, cultural dance , singing among others. The students groups were given valuable  gifts  based on  their various billiant performances  by AHI and Cummins.  A cheque N50,000 was also donated  the school by AHl.


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